She said Obama would raise taxes on Americans and small business owners. 佩林还说,奥巴马会提高美国人和小企业主的赋税。
Doing your own taxes wastes countless hours that could be better spent on your business. 自己做税会让你浪费无数本可以用来经营企业的宝贵时间。
New legislation has raised taxes on people's incomes and on business. 新法律提高了个人所得税和营业税。
Chile's main trade-union confederation held a general strike, calling for a bigger state pension, changes to labour laws and higher taxes on business. 智利最主要的公会联盟开展大罢工,要求提高养老金,修改劳动法,增加商业税。
The government has cut corporate taxes and reduced the burden of some nonwage costs on business, such as pensions and health care. 政府削减了企业税,并减少了一些工资以外的成本,包括退休金和医疗福利。
In fact, I think we should cut taxes on working families and small business owners even more. 事实上,我希望我们应该更多地削减工作家庭和小企业主的税务。
Local, state, and federal governments levy taxes on individuals and business. 地方政府、各州及联邦政府均对个人和企业实行课税。
The taxes on the volume of business due in the country of the Licensee on such amounts will be at Licensee's charge. 在被许可人所在国对该款项征收的营业税款由被许可人承担。
During that time, the state-imposed hurdles and taxes on business have grown dramatically. 在此期间,政府对企业设置的障碍和征收的税收大幅增加。
However, property taxes are assessed on livestock, farm machinery, heavy equipment, automobiles, trucks, and business equipment. 然而,物业税是分摊的牲畜,农业机械,重型设备,汽车,卡车,和商业设备。
In 2007 Mr Sarkozy was happy to point out that France had some of the highest taxes and state spending in the world and to campaign on a platform of encouraging business. 2007年时,萨科齐乐于指出法国的某些税收和政府支出居于全球最高之列,并欣然将鼓励商业作为竞选纲领。
We carried out a price-based reform of resource taxes on crude oil and natural gas nationwide, and introduced a plan to replace business tax with value-added tax ( VAT) on a trial basis. 在全国范围实施原油、天然气资源税从价计征改革,出台营业税改征增值税试点方案。
Taxes planning become to be a topic on financial management research in China, which is an important part of business activities for enterprises and create a new area of enterprises financial activities. 纳税筹划是目前国内会计和财务管理领域研究的热点话题,同时也是企业在经营实践中积极探索的方向,纳税筹划开辟了企业理财领域的新天地。
The Adjustment of the Paying Taxes on the Relevant Business of the Intangible Assets 无形资产相关业务的纳税调整